Monday, May 3, 2010

The Homegrown Lifestyle Mission and Rules

Our Mission: To make a conscious effort to eat only unprocessed, whole homemade foods.

So here it is, Erin and I have decided to embark on a 60-day challenge to follow our “homegrown lifestyle” starting today. We realized how much dedication this will take as we started to map out our “rules”

  1. Everything has to be made at home.
  2. You are only allowed to use “ingredients” ie. milk, flour, rice, veggies, fruits, healthy oils, nuts.
  3. No over processed ingredients allowed, ie white flour, white rice.
  4. No dairy products other than organic milk.
    (I might propose that we start this one after the first 30 days. While making your own yogurt, sour cream and cream cheese is easy it is time consuming. Making your own cheese isn’t very easy but it can be done) We could just restrict it to organic dairy products with 5 or less ingredients to start.
  5. You have to make all of your own breads and they have to be made from 100% whole wheat or other nutritious flours (more on that later after Lynne provides us with some great ones to consider)
  6. You have to make your own pasta as well.

There it is, I’m sure I am forgetting something and I’m sure we’ll make modifications as we go. This will be interesting and we will have to rely on each other for motivation. I know we can do it!

My first homegrown dinner a success!

I was surprised at how easy it was! So for dinner I made:

Grilled Sea Bass- Grill w/ salt and pepper
Bok Choy- Pan sauteed w/ salt, pepper and olive oil
Mashed sweet potatoes- Made by Charlie Coil- w/ milk
Harvest Grains from Trader Joe's (mixture of Israeli couscous, red and green orzo, split dried garbanzo beans, and red quinoa)- Prepared w/ garlic and sweet onions.

And I even had leftovers for lunch on Monday!